Although I make a conscious effort to look at the events happening around me as objectively as I can, sometimes, I just can’t help being judgmental.
Take for instance the way lady riders fill petrol in their scootys/kinetics etc.
I went to the petrol pump in the morning. There was a huge rush there which generally is the case at that hour of the day. Of course, I don’t mind standing in such queues at all thanks to me iPod. So I patiently waited for my turn. When it finally came, I told the guy how much fuel I wanted, took out the money from my wallet as he was filling the petrol, handed him the money when he finished while simultaneously closing the fuel cap on me bike, took the change and held it in between my lips. With my wallet still in one hand, I dragged the bike forward with the other hand so that others waiting behind me could come forward and start filling.
Total turn around time – approx 30 secs !!
Now before all this happened, I saw this lady waiting in the queue. She was on one of those scooty things where you have to lift the seat up to access the fuel tank. Now, all the time she was waiting in the queue, she was sitting on her scooty. When her turn came, she calmly put the scooty on the main stand. Next she proceeded to remove her “White” gloves (??) and her Taliban head gear. Next she opened the seat and the fuel filling process started. After the requested amount of fuel had been filled-in, she closed the seat and dived into this huge bag that she was carrying on her scooty floor. I suppose she was looking for her purse because that’s what her hand came out with. She took the money out of the purse, waited for the change, put the change back in the purse and put the purse back in the bag. Then she put on her Taliban head-gear and her white gloves, put the scooty on it’s feet, pressed the electric start button and zoomed off.
Total turn-around time – approx 3 mins !!
I am completely against things like reservation and stuff. Even the whole cry about “women’s liberation’ seems kinda old and meaningless to me in the present times. But for once, I wish that they’d start having a separate queue for lady riders at the petrol pumps. And they should employ a lady to fill the petrol in the queue. That way, you create jobs for ladies, the lady rider can chat with the lady filler discussing the last episode of Nach Balliye and SIX guys can get petrol filled in the normal queue in the meantime. A win-win situation I say.
Now here’s the funny thing. Every thing I wrote above is highly exaggerated. So much so that it’s almost all false (the part concerning the lady rider). But - think about this honestly - how many of you actually believed what I wrote and didn’t think that I was just making this all up??
See ??
I think I’ve still managed to make a point.
PS: My sincere apologies if I’ve offended any ladies. Your comments are welcome.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
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baat mein hai dummmm...
i think you think a lot these days, specially about small small things that are creeping in our society these days, like hello champa, then petrol issue.. wow.
I will saggu u can better try for IAS cause that is the only way u can have a chance to implement all your crazy(I mean for the ppl who think you are exaggerating:-))
and .yaa how was your cat(CAT).
i can relate to it.. :P
(minus the head gear, gloves n wallet inside the is pretty much what happens..)
but thts alright...whats the rush ? :)
oh n by the per the 'trend'..u dnt take off the head gear..u jus pull it down a lil 2 make the required conversation..
A very believable story.
I don't understand why the gloves have to be removed while looking for the wallet in the purse. But then again, one can never predict the actions of the 'lady rider'.
Taliban head gear, the distinguishing feature of the lady rider. Why? Because they need to protect their pretty faces from dust, pollution and the harmful ultravoilet rays of the sun. But I have noticed that most of them forget their helmets conviniently. Now these are the girls who have their priorities in order.
the gloves part is an exaggeration on the part of the writer/blogger..
n a helmet/head gear pretty much serve the same purpose :P
(sometimes both r used)
Nice one bro... Guess the fellow who owns the petrol pump on Karve Road must have thought on ur lines (his intentions being purely driven for monetary purposes of course....) They have one pump reserved for the ladies with a picture of a lady in saree doing namaste put near it and saying LADIES ONLY!!!! The flip side is we cant go to that pump even if it is free the rest of the pumps have serpentine queues... Anyways guess it comes down to the classic saying the grass is greener on the other side.... hehehe....
nice blog
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